$ whoami
Hey, I’m glad to see you’ve made it here. My name is Adam. I am a Proud father of two beautiful kids. My hobbies include: Woodworking, playing music and photography, but the one that takes up the most of my time is learning about technology. It began on my 14th birthday when I built my fist computer from scratch. I had so many trial and errors with that first build because I did it completely by myself. I still remember how my heart sank when I realized I hadn’t put the spacers between the motherboard and the case. I’m still not sure how the whole thing didn’t go up in smoke. When that computer first successfully booted up though, I was hooked. I could not stop learning the ins and outs of the different hardware, software, networking, and coding languages.
$ cat Reason_For_This_Website.txt
The reason I decided to make this blog was to have a clear and concise place to record my computer science/cyber security journey. It will be a way to look back on projects to see how far I’ve come or tweak things from where I’ve left off. I’m not sure how many people will see this as I’m not planning to actively promote it at the moment.
All I can say is if you’ve made it this far I hope you find something helpful and will share your experiences as well.